Welcome to your information page

As an affiliate you can check your referral information here.

Great, if you're here it means you're already part of the team.

It is very important for us that as an affiliate you are aware of all your referrals, the work they performed, the amount of labor and your biweekly earnings.

Affiliate Information

Important: Payment periods close on the 15th and 30th/31st of each month. On that day, earnings are calculated depending on whether you are a VIP affiliate or not and are paid using the preferred method agreed upon.

Affiliate NameAffiliate PhoneAffiliate eMailAffiliate CodeBiweekly ProfitTotal Profit
Affiliate NameAffiliate PhoneAffiliate eMailAffiliate CodeBiweekly ProfitTotal Profit

Affiliate Referrals (Current Biweekly Period)

Note: In the affiliate profit field, a profit of 25% is always shown. If the affiliate moves up a level to VIP, the profit increases to 50% of the customers he referred in that period. This 50% increase will be reflected on the last day of each period.

Customer NameWork MadeDate WorkAmount LaborAffiliate ProfitCode Used
Customer NameWork MadeDate WorkAmount LaborAffiliate ProfitCode Used

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